The RUF Family

Do you want to know one of my favorite things about RUF?
It’s the community, hands down. We have people from all over the country. From different walks of life. All in different chapters of their story. We come together to support one another. To help each other be better.
To grow. To encourage. To motivate. To educate.
We have people that are a part of our family that will relate to you… no matter what it is that you struggle with. Or what your biggest accomplishments are. There are people within this community that UNDERSTAND you.
They understand what it's like to step outside of their comfort zone. They understand what it's like to overcome obstacles they never thought they could. They understand the importance of health and wellness.
The best part… everyone’s story is unique. We have people that will understand any obstacles you have to deal with.
Addictions. Depression. Anxiety.
Have you decided to break the mold of your family history? Are you struggling with a physical disability or injury? Do you have financial struggles that add to your every day stress? Are you a single parent… or just a parent in GENERAL? Do you wish you could get back to your high school or college athlete mindset or body? Do you struggle with body dysmorphia? What about eating disorders? Hormone issues? Gut issues? Chronic Illness? The list could go on and on…
It’s being able to connect with people you've never met and yet you feel as if you’ve known them forever. You have mutual goals with them. You have the magic of competition. You don't realize how that competitive edge in you can make such a huge difference in your life until you surround yourself with people who push you.
These are the things that make RUF a family. We are here for each other. We support you... Always. Your success is our success. Your current situation doesn't have to define you. Your struggles don't define you. We all come from different backgrounds. We all have a different back story. Your uniqueness is what makes this so much better. You have people in your corner… no matter what you're going through.
We as a family… want to set you up to have that “happy ending” everyone craves.
Be a part of our community. Be inspired by the different stories you hear. Don't be afraid to share your own story. You never know when it will inspire someone to change their life for the better right along with you.
Over the next three weeks we will be sharing different stories from our RUF family members. We want to highlight different peoples backgrounds and the things they’ve overcome to get to where they are today.
Your story isn't over until it's over. You have an opportunity to write your next chapters exactly the way you imagine them. Listen. Share. Be inspired. Motivate. Lets build this community together. We are, after all, one big family.